Buying Property In The Caribbean Checklist

The procedures for buying property in the Caribbean can be very different from the UK, USA, EUROPE, ASIA and CANADA.

Buying Property In The Caribbean

Below are some basic considerations you will need to contemplate during your purchase. Why not let Caribbean Property Search Top Caribbean Real Estate Agents use our considerable experience in these matters, and allow us to do all the hard work for you. We are highly knowledgeable in the various purchase procedures in different Caribbean Islands, and would welcome the opportunity to act on your behalf.

Please Contact Us to discuss your individual requirements in finer detail.

Selecting an Island Home

Consider the location first and foremost. Decide on a particular town, village, development or hillside where you’ll want to spend a lot of your time, or even live permanently. This involves a whole series of individual choices. Research the area to find out what it is like in different seasons, what facilities are available and the travel times to different places. And ask yourself, would you be happy living there? Ask Caribbean Property Search estate agents about prices that you would expect to pay.

Decide on the type of property you want to buy in the Caribbean

The area, size, and number of rooms is the primary consideration. But keep an open mind. It could be worth looking at different types of properties in different residential areas. By looking at a variety of homes you’ll build up your knowledge of the present market values in the area you are looking.

Contact Caribbean Property Search Top Real Estate Agents 

All Caribbean Property Search Agents are screened and are officially registered and hold a real estate licence in their respective island. We will find your right match and make sure you feel comfortable with the agent before you start looking at as many properties as you can. What you’ll need the house for will change your considerations.

Research all legal issues and costs involved

Find a Lawyer to advise and assist you. Before you decide on a property it is important to be fully aware of the legal process and costs involved in your property purchase. Obtain professional advice and check your finances take account of these additional costs.

Make an offer

Make the offer in writing if possible (of course, subject to contract), and include not only the price, but also the amount of deposit, when you are prepared to pay it, when you are prepared to complete, what you consider to be included in the price (for example furniture and fittings if applicable) and, an often neglected point, that all machinery equipment and installations should be in normal working order.

When an offer is accepted

The solicitor will take the legal responsibility for checking the land registry and if all is well will then prepare a private contract which will bind both parties to the deal (you may be asked to lodge a deposit on the property, to take the property off the market and also put a CAUTION on the Property). When the balance of the purchase price is paid and vacant possession of the unencumbered property is granted, the sale is completed.

Immediately after completion

The notary will register the title deed within 24 hours. This will prevent the property from being sold twice which will not be possible because of the CAUTION. The notary and the land register act together to protect and guarantee your interests. Your solicitor can also arrange for the transfer to your name of utilities and services such as water and electricity and organise their payment through a local bank.

Please contact us to discuss your individual requirements, and we will be pleased to advise and help you.

Buying property in the Caribbean stress free…. best buying overseas property advice …


Buying Property In The Caribbean Checklist
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Buying Property In The Caribbean Checklist
The procedures for buying property in the Caribbean can be very different from the UK, USA, EUROPE, ASIA and CANADA. Sort advice from KweYol Estate Agent..
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Caribbean Real Estate
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